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LRQA Nettitude has a wealth of experience in all areas of cybersecurity. With a large team of specialist security consultants, LRQA Nettitude are able to design and deliver custom cybersecurity training courses to meet any requirement.

Common security training topics include:

  • Red team training
  • Blue team training
  • Secure development training
  • User awareness training
  • In-house security capability training
  • Threat Intelligence (TI)

There is no limit to the areas of cybersecurity training that LRQA Nettitude are able to deliver. LRQA Nettitude delivers practical and engaging security courses to a large array of audiences with varying degrees of experience and requirement.

How Is Custom Training Constructed?

Each organisation is different and requirements vary widely, so the first stage is to speak to a security expert at LRQA Nettitude. Through open conversation, LRQA Nettitude will identify all objectives – both explicit and implicit – and provide a proposal to meet those needs. Often, LRQA Nettitude deliver the course(s) directly, but ‘training the trainers’ is also possible for those organizations wishing to build an in house training capability.

How Is Custom Training Delivered?

LRQA Nettitude understands that effective knowledge transfer only happens when delegates are fully engaged and challenged. All training contains a significant degree of practical exercise in order to ensure maximum effectiveness. Training is delivered in a modular fashion in order to ensure that each subject area is fully explored.

Who Delivers Custom Training?

A vast array of security consultants make up LRQA Nettitude and only those with the skills and experience relevant to an organisation’s objectives are used. Need a course that focuses on secure development? Expect security professionals who have worked as professional developers to be delivering. Prefer something that targets offensive security skills? LRQA Nettitude’s red team testers are on hand to help.

LRQA Nettitude’s custom training is typically delivered by two consultants in order to ensure consistent levels of energy are met and to ensure that each delegate receives appropriate levels of attention.

How Long Does Custom Training Last For?

Custom training is just that – custom. There is no upper or lower limit to the amount of time that delivery must occur over. LRQA Nettitude will make recommendations on length based on the objectives of the organisation requesting the course. Typical courses last between two and three days.

Are There Any Areas Of Custom Training That You Do Not Deliver?

LRQA Nettitude will only deliver courses in subject areas that they consider themselves to have excellence in. Within the area of cybersecurity, this includes a very large array of subjects. If you are interested in understanding which areas LRQA Nettitude can help deliver top tier training for, please contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions about Data Privacy Security

What is an incident response policy?

An Incident response plan or policy is a process you create before you experience a cyberattack. This is so that your team has a procedure to follow when you do experience a data breach. LRQA Nettitude follows the CREST Cybersecurity Incident Response process which is broken down into 3 phases: preparation, response, and follow up. Having a breach plan gives you the confidence to quickly nullify any threat to your data privacy security.

Why is data privacy security important?

Although it has always been important, the implications and need for higher security are coming into play now that technology is indispensable to everyday life. Using apps, browsing websites, and shopping online are all examples of how your data will be stored and managed online. For organisations today, the threat of cyber theft is a pertinent one. Having comprehensive data privacy plans in place can reduce and mitigate the risks of such events.

Does LRQA Nettitude practice sustainability?

As a company with a global footprint, sustainability is an area of importance to us. We are a registered ‘Investor in People’ organisation. Taking a cue from ISO 14001, we have strong sustainability practices put in place. Our organisation also hires fairly and equally, across gender and race. By working with us, you can rest assured that we implement data privacy security measures with ethics at the core of our mission.

Get in touch via the form below and get a free quote from us for our Red Team Security Testing services.

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