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Penetration Testing Services

Advanced pen testing by CREST-certified experts

A penetration test is an attempt to evaluate the security of your IT infrastructure through the safe exploitation of vulnerabilities via certified professionals. LRQA Nettitude specialises in the delivery of rigorous and strenuous security testing and provides cybersecurity consultancy across a range of disciplines.

Our award-winning(teiss, 2024) penetration testing services give you an honest, real-world view of where and how attackers can exploit weaknesses in your infrastructure, networks, people and processes. We want you to feel good about your security so that you can have peace of mind to get on with the business of running your business.

LRQA Nettitude’s award-winning cybersecurity services specialise in the delivery of rigorous penetration testing and provide cybersecurity consultancy across a range of disciplines.

Our penetration testing services give you an honest, real-world view of where and how attackers can exploit weaknesses in your infrastructure, networks, people and processes. 

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Our cybersecurity experts

Every security expert we work with is thoroughly vetted, tested and certified. We don’t just prioritise skills; every tester has a tenacious curiosity and passion for finding and exposing vulnerabilities to protect and secure your business.

We think people first and for us, that means we understand getting the right people for every job is paramount. We hire professionals who have spent years training to think like the bad guys; they know what makes them tick, so they are uniquely placed to get under the skin of your security measures and find the points vulnerable to attackers.

Not only that, our penetration testers are leaders in their field, contributing to industry research conferences and driving innovation to help others defend against attackers. We consult and work with regulatory bodies and work closely with governments internationally to enact progress in security markets around the world. Our team are active members of the cybersecurity community, recognised by the media as industry consultants and published authors.

What to fix, how to fix it, and when to fix it

Our penetration testing ethos considers the difficulty of implementing change across your organisation. We want to make it easy for you to fix vulnerabilities with actionable insights.

All of our engagements come with a high-level management report and an in-depth technical review as standard. We don’t stop there; we also highlight preventative countermeasures and provide advice on remediation. A long list of problems is never a solution – so we always make sure we prioritise fixes that will make the most impact and provide you with the context that you need, in a way that’s helpful. Assurance is everything, that’s why we provide post-test support with our Security Support Desk to empower you to fix any findings within a timescale that works for you.

A test isn’t just a test at LRQA Nettitude, we provide:

  • A high-level management report
  • An in-depth technical review document
  • Actionable insights prioritised by impact
  • Support to fix what needs to be fixed in a timescale that works for you
  • An end-of-engagement debrief via the delivering consultant

A world leader in CREST accreditations

We are proud to be the only organisation in the world with a full suite of CREST accreditations.

Our team of consultants have achieved the highest accreditations for Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Incident Response services and Threat Intelligence. In addition, we were also the first organisation to be CREST accredited for our Security Operation Centre services.

LRQA Nettitude named a Level 2 Cyber Incident Response Assured Service provider by NCSC and CREST

LRQA Nettitude is delighted to announce its status as a Level 2 National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Cyber Incident Response (CIR) Assured Service Provider.

SOC Services - Case Study - Leading UK Investment Company

Case study – Providing penetration testing to a leading UK financial investment company

This client had previously experienced a high number of vulnerabilities, from which LRQA Nettitude was able to help. The services implemented provided the client with a proactive and threat-led approach; informed by our offensive and threat intelligence teams to protect against the latest industry threats.

“From scoping through to conclusion, our experience with LRQA Nettitude has been excellent…”
– Client

Find out more information on this case study below… 

General Enquiry

A world leader in
CREST accreditations

CREST (The Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers)

We are proud to be the only organisation in the world with a full suite of accreditations from The Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST) across all key disciplines.

Our team of consultants have achieved the highest accreditations for Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Incident Response services and Threat Intelligence. In addition, we were also the first organisation to be CREST accredited for our Security Operation Centre services. 

LRQA Nettitude named a Level 2 Cyber Incident Response Assured Service provider by NCSC and CREST

LRQA Nettitude is delighted to announce its status as a Level 2 National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Cyber Incident Response (CIR) Assured Service Provider.

ISO 27001 Certified. CBEST Accredited. STAR Provider.

LRQA Nettitude is an ISO 27001-certified organisation and conducts all external testing engagements from within a rigorously controlled environment. LRQA Nettitude’s security consultants hold Offensive Security OSCP and OSCE qualifications. All our pen testers have been fully background-checked. LRQA Nettitude is also an accredited supplier of CBEST and an approved provider of STAR testing services. Additionally, LRQA Nettitude’s 24/7 SOC is accredited to provide CREST SOC services.


LRQA Nettitude is also a proud member of the UK Government’s NCSC scheme. Our team of testers includes CHECK Team Leaders within infrastructure and web applications, as well as CHECK Team Members. In addition, our team is comprised of industry-recognised consultants and published authors that have been recognised by the media and the cybersecurity community.

Our penetration testing services


Web Application Penetration Testing Services
Web applications are one of the most common types of software in use today. Due to their complexity and ubiquity, web applications represent a unique challenge to the security posture of any organisation.

Modern web applications handle increasingly sensitive data, so it is important to ensure that they do not introduce significant risks to an organisation.

LRQA Nettitude has a large team of CREST-certified penetration testers who specialise in web application penetration testing, with a wealth of experience in security and software development.

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Blockchain Testing Services

Blockchain technology is a decentralised and distributed ledger system that enables secure and transparent record-keeping of transactions across a network of computers. All components can and need to be tested for security vulnerabilities. Depending on what needs to be tested, different methodologies apply.

LRQA Nettitude stands out for its extensive experience, notably in source code review and application testing, a proficiency that is seamlessly extended to blockchain technologies.

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing Services
Mobile applications have become an integral part of everyday technology – however apps can increase your organisations attack surface, putting you at risk.

During mobile app testing we assess design, data handling, network communication and authentication, amongst other areas. We look at the security of the app in the context of the device it resides on, as well as its communications to your servers and that server infrastructure.

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Network Penetration Testing Services

In a network penetration test, your network infrastructure is security tested using a variety of techniques from a number of vantage points, both external and internal. We test a wide range of connected network devices including servers, laptops, storage drives, printers, network appliances, and even your web applications.

We look at how those components operate and communicate, who has access to them, and more. From this, we will be able to determine the security posture of those assets, as well as your network as a whole. We will determine where the most important vulnerabilities exist, which ones are most likely to be exploited by threat actors, and what actions should be taken to remediate these risks.

Cloud Penetration Testing Services
As technology progresses, cloud operations are becoming more and more popular. Even though this is a convenient solution, the ever-increasing reliance upon cloud systems means the risks and implications can be far greater.

Cloud penetration testing assesses the security of your cloud services in all environments – whether it’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Software as a Service (SaaS).

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IOT Testing
Many of your connected devices could be at a risk of cyber-attacks , and the risk can increase with the number of devices present, therefore there is an increased need for these devices to be tested and protected.

LRQA Nettitude works with creators of smart devices to provide assurance around the security posture of their devices. IOT penetration tests provide a valuable way to assess the security levels associated with a given connected device.

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Social Engineering Services

Rather than only looking at technology, social engineering tests with people in mind. LRQA Nettitude can conduct engagements remotely, engaging your people with phishing emails or onsite, where we will perform reconnaissance and identify weaknesses in your physical security.

Both methodologies could provide a backdoor into your corporate environment for an attacker to exploit from the outside and is something LRQA Nettitude’ s consultants are frequently successful with.

Social Engineering tests are designed to help assist organisations increase their security posture and reduce the risk of attacks being successful, with emphasis on human vulnerability factors.

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External Infrastructure Penetration Testing

External infrastructure penetration testing aims to assess the security of an organisation’s external-facing systems, networks, and applications. This includes anything accessible from outside the organisation’s internal network.

By conducting external infrastructure penetration testing, organisations can identify and address security weaknesses before they are exploited by malicious actors, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches, financial losses, and damage to reputation.

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ASV Scanning
As an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV), LRQA Nettitude conducts quarterly external and web application vulnerability scans in line with PCI DSS external scanning requirements. Experienced ASV professionals are able to walk you through the process and provide remediation guidance should a failed scan occur.

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Red Teaming Penetration Testing Services
The red team mimics a real world threat actor. We select a relevant type of attacker along with their tactics, techniques and procedures, based on our unique threat intelligence research and capabilities.

Realistic scenarios are constructed and followed. This includes physical security testing, social engineering, 3rd party relationships, hacking, malware insertion, pivoting and human manipulation.

Each scenario has a specific stated objective, and the associated attack chain is designed to test your organisations ability to prevent, detect and respond to cyber-attacks as they unfold.

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Firewall Security Testing Services
A firewall is designed to act as a gatekeeper between different networks and has long been an important security staple. Our firewall tests look at a number of relevant elements.

In order to provide the most detailed, relevant and bespoke service possible, we will first ensure that we understand how your network is architected by speaking with your people, reviewing relevant documents and understanding relevant processes.

We then assess the configuration of the firewall itself; for example we will check the firmware version, user access controls, logging, etc. Finally, we’ll review the actual firewall rules that govern what traffic can traverse it.

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Active Directory Testing

Most enterprise networks are managed by Windows Active Directory and store sensitive data such as PII, PCI DSS and R&D. An attack that successfully compromised Active Directory would likely have significant ramifications for any organisation.

LRQA Nettitude’s team of CREST-certified internal penetration testers are able to review the configuration of Active Directory in order to identify any insecure practices or attack vectors that could be exploited by a malicious agent.

Hybrid Testing

A hybrid environment is the term used when Microsoft Azure AD is incorporated into existing on-premises Active Directory. Compromise of on-premises Active Directory could lead to the compromise of Azure AD and vice-versa.

LRQA Nettitude consultants will look to assess the configuration of both the Azure AD and Active Directory looking for misconfigurations that could be exploited by an attacker. Particular focus is placed on attack paths that could lead to the compromise of Azure AD Connect, a high-value target with high privileges both on-premises and within the cloud.

Wireless Penetration Testing
Wireless assessments can be delivered through attacks that target the existing wireless infrastructure that runs and operates within your organisation.

In addition, any clients that interact and utilize the wireless infrastructure, such as employees, can also be targeted as a component of the engagement. LRQA Nettitude delivers wireless device testing as a common component of many internal on-site penetration tests.

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Protect your organisation with LRQA Nettitude’s
award-winning cybersecurity services

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Protect your organisation with LRQA Nettitude’s award-winning cybersecurity services

Speak to one of our cybersecurity experts now…