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DORA compliance services

Working together to achieve cyber resilience

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a landmark EU regulation that means financial organisations have to make sure they can prevent and mitigate cyber threats and withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions.

DORA Compliance

Download our DORA guide

Contact us to begin your DORA compliance

Guaranteeing resilient operations in the face of cybersecurity threats

The launch of the DORA Regulation marks a shift in emphasis from solely ensuring organisations’ financial stability to guaranteeing their ability to maintain resilient operations in the face of severe disruptions caused by cybersecurity and information communication technology (ICT) issues. Banks, insurance companies, and many other financial entities are all directly impacted by DORA.

Organisations must prepare for the increased regulatory engagement powers that DORA will give to both national and EU-level supervisors. Instead of merely viewing this as a compliance task, organisations may need to develop new operational resilience capabilities, that must be tested and proven to work, and fully commit to an ongoing mandate to enhance their cybersecurity maturity.

Compliance with DORA is mandatory from 17 January 2025








LRQA Nettitude’s extensive services cover all five pillars of DORA

LRQA Nettitude is uniquely positioned as a full-service provider to guide you through every step of your journey to achieving compliance. Our comprehensive services cover all five pillars of DORA:

DORA - Risk Management - LRQA Nettitude

1. Risk management

The requirement to identify, assess, mitigate, and be accountable for guaranteeing the ability to maintain resilient operations in the face of severe disruptions caused by cybersecurity and ICT issues.

DORA - Incident management, classification, and reporting - LRQA Nettitude

2. Incident management, classification and reporting

The need to implement early-warning systems to detect and manage cyber incidents, and to report those incidents promptly. This level of vigilance requires a dedicated security operations centre.

DORA - Digital operations resilience testing - LRQA Nettitude

3. Digital operational resilience testing

The requirement to maintain effective, risk-centric, and independent testing programmes. This could include the use of both a technology and human testing strategy of attack surface management and continuous assurance technology capabilities, combined with red teaming, purple teaming and advanced penetration testing against regulatory frameworks such as TIBER EU.

DORA - Third-party risk management - LRQA Nettitude

4. Third-party risk management

The need to include and manage ICT risks from third parties within overall ICT management frameworks.

DORA - Information sharing - LRQA Nettitude

5. Information sharing

Consenting to and participating in the exchange of valuable cybersecurity threat and intelligence information among critical entities.

Download our DORA guide

Contact us to begin your DORA compliance

Why choose LRQA Nettitude for DORA compliance?

As the cybersecurity technologies and processes integrated into financial organisations evolve, so does the legislation that governs them. To mitigate risks, organisations must navigate complexities, adapt to evolving legislation, and invest in cybersecurity measures. Compliance is essential to avoid penalties and maintain trust. LRQA Nettitude is uniquely placed as a full-service provider for achieving DORA compliance. We partner with you, providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout your journey.

Not only can our expert cybersecurity advisory team carry out the initial gap analysis, but we also provide all the necessary services to ensure your compliance against each of the five pillars of DORA. You will not have to subcontract anything.

When you partner with LRQA Nettitude, you gain access to a team of highly skilled and experienced cyber threat intelligence (CTI) analysts, governance risk and compliance consultants, and cyber incident response experts. Our experts have unparalleled expertise in the industry and utilise a comprehensive suite of proprietary and commercial tools, harnessing millions of data points. This combination empowers us to provide you with advanced insights and actionable intelligence, enabling proactive identification, mitigation of cyber threats, and measures to meet compliance objectives.

Comprehensive support

We partner with you to provide end-to-end guidance and support throughout your DORA compliance journey, from initial gap analysis to tailored remediation plans, including advanced resilience testing.

Unmatched experience

Our team includes cybersecurity specialists with rich experience working with the financial sector, including former financial regulators. Our skilled consultants, experts, analysts, and researchers complement your team with their in-depth knowledge of global cybersecurity risks, challenges, standards, regulations, and frameworks.

Holistic approach

Unlike some of our competitors who only offer audits, we help you understand what is happening during testing.

Actionable insights

Our diverse team of experts goes beyond technical proficiency. They actively shape industry trends and regulations and work alongside some of the world’s leading brands, helping them to implement robust cybersecurity measures and strategies.

History of firsts

We were the first organisation to receive accreditation to deliver certification services for a range of standards across the globe, and we continue to be instrumental in developing a variety of specific standards across different sectors, such as CBEST, a framework to deliver controlled, bespoke, intelligence-led cybersecurity tests.

TIBER expertise

Due to our world-renowned threat-led services across many regulated testing frameworks we are well-positioned for any future integrations with TIBER testing.

Client portal

Our myLRQA Nettitude client portal provides a centralised view of your cybersecurity services. In the case of DORA, it covers cyber maturity assessments, attack surface
management, red teaming, and more.

Our DORA compliance services

The LRQA Nettitude team covers every part of the testing process for DORA. We are your  full-service provider for achieving DORA compliance. You will not have to subcontract anything. We begin with an initial gap analysis, assessing your current readiness and then follow up with tailored measures to meet requirements, and customised remediation plans to suit your organisation.

  • Undertake an initial gap analysis with our cybersecurity experts.
  • We provide consultancy-led expert guidance on aligning cybersecurity practices with DORA requirements.
  • We work with you to create, develop, and implement policies and procedures for DORA compliance.
  • We partner with you to achieve 24/7 monitoring and response services using leading industry technology capabilities to swiftly identify and mitigate cyber threats while leveraging advanced threat intelligence to enhance detection capabilities.
  • We provide penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in financial systems and applications. You receive detailed reports with actionable recommendations for remediation.
  • We go beyond point-in-time testing with attack surface management and continuous assurance capabilities.
  • We conduct advanced threat-led penetration testing utilising award-winning red and purple team capabilities under regulatory frameworks such as TIBER, CBEST and iCAST.
  • We deliver an expert service as an assured NCSC level 2 cyber incident response provider. We offer cyber incident response services designed to aid your organisation’s preparedness in the event of a serious cyber incident.

Download our DORA guide

Contact us to begin your DORA compliance

Steps to DORA compliance

1) Perform a gap analysis to identify a) what areas are already in line with the articles in the law, and b) what areas need improvement.
2) Set priority strategies to bridge identified gaps.
3) Conduct remediation and implementation activities
to verify and assure DORA compliance.

DORA compliance services

Working together to achieve cyber resilience

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a landmark EU regulation that means financial organisations have to make sure they can prevent and mitigate cyber threats and withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions.

Download our DORA guide

Contact us to begin your DORA compliance

Guaranteeing resilient operations in the face of cybersecurity threats

The launch of the DORA Regulation marks a shift in emphasis from solely ensuring organisations’ financial stability to guaranteeing their ability to maintain resilient operations in the face of severe disruptions caused by cybersecurity and information communication technology (ICT) issues. Banks, insurance companies, and many other financial entities are all directly impacted by DORA.

Compliance with DORA is mandatory from 17 January 2025

Organisations must prepare for the increased regulatory engagement powers that DORA will give to both national and EU-level supervisors. Instead of merely viewing this as a compliance task, organisations may need to develop new operational resilience capabilities, that must be tested and proven to work, and fully commit to an ongoing mandate to enhance their cybersecurity maturity.

LRQA Nettitude’s extensive services cover all five pillars of DORA

LRQA Nettitude is uniquely positioned as a full-service provider to guide you through every step of your journey to achieving compliance. Our comprehensive services cover all five pillars of DORA:

DORA - Risk Management - LRQA Nettitude

1. Risk management

The requirement to identify, assess, mitigate, and be accountable for guaranteeing the ability to maintain resilient operations in the face of severe disruptions caused by cybersecurity and ICT issues.

DORA - Incident management, classification, and reporting - LRQA Nettitude

2. Incident management, classification and reporting

The need to implement early-warning systems to detect and manage cyber incidents, and to report those incidents promptly. This level of vigilance requires a dedicated security operations centre.

DORA - Digital operations resilience testing - LRQA Nettitude

3. Digital operational resilience testing

The requirement to maintain effective, risk-centric, and independent testing programmes. This could include the use of both a technology and human testing strategy of attack surface management and continuous assurance technology capabilities, combined with red teaming, purple teaming and advanced penetration testing against regulatory frameworks such as TIBER EU.

DORA - Third-party risk management - LRQA Nettitude

4. Third-party risk management

The need to include and manage ICT risks from third parties within overall ICT management frameworks.

DORA - Information sharing - LRQA Nettitude

5. Information sharing

Consenting to and participating in the exchange of valuable cybersecurity threat and intelligence information among critical entities.

Download our DORA guide

Contact us to begin your DORA compliance

Why choose LRQA Nettitude for DORA compliance?

As the cybersecurity technologies and processes integrated into financial organisations evolve, so does the legislation that governs them. To mitigate risks, organisations must navigate complexities, adapt to evolving legislation, and invest in cybersecurity measures. Compliance is essential to avoid penalties and maintain trust. LRQA Nettitude is uniquely placed as a full-service provider for achieving DORA compliance. We partner with you, providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout your journey.

Not only can our expert cybersecurity advisory team carry out the initial gap analysis, but we also provide all the necessary services to ensure your compliance against each of the five pillars of DORA. You will not have to subcontract anything.

When you partner with LRQA Nettitude, you gain access to a team of highly skilled and experienced cyber threat intelligence (CTI) analysts, governance risk and compliance consultants, and cyber incident response experts. Our experts have unparalleled expertise in the industry and utilise a comprehensive suite of proprietary and commercial tools, harnessing millions of data points. This combination empowers us to provide you with advanced insights and actionable intelligence, enabling proactive identification, mitigation of cyber threats, and measures to meet compliance objectives.

Our DORA compliance services

The LRQA Nettitude team covers every part of the testing process for DORA. We are your  full-service provider for achieving DORA compliance. You will not have to subcontract anything. We begin with an initial gap analysis, assessing your current readiness and then follow up with tailored measures to meet requirements, and customised remediation plans to suit your organisation.

Steps to DORA compliance

1) Perform a gap analysis to identify a) what areas are already in line with the articles in the law, and b) what areas need improvement.
2) Set priority strategies to bridge identified gaps.
3) Conduct remediation and implementation activities
to verify and assure DORA compliance.

Start your journey to DORA compliance today! Contact our DORA team to discuss your organisation’s needs or download our guide to DORA compliance to find out more.

Start your journey to DORA compliance today! Contact our DORA team to discuss your organisation’s needs or download our guide to DORA compliance to find out more.