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Our solutions

Working with our security experts and market-leading security vendors, Cloud Security Solutions enable you to assess your security posture by providing the solutions needed to secure your cloud environments.


If deployed properly, cloud can become an enabler for better security by making it easier for people to do the ‘right’ thing by default, without the need to find workarounds for complicated processes.

Cloud environments can provide a much more secure way of doing business by standardising, removing complexity, making security practices (such as patching) more seamless, and by ensuring security is built into applications and services from the get go. A wide variety of cloud-based security tools and architectural blueprints are available that allow complex, legacy involved, manual security practice to be eradicated.

Keeping up to date with threats, vulnerabilities and removing diverse systems can be much easier when manged through an effective cloud solution.

Do you need a security solution for your cloud?

Of the organisations using cloud services, Gartner (2019) report that more than 75% indicate they have a cloud first strategy.

With benefits like increased agility, improved efficiencies and lower overall fixed costs, it’s no surprise that nearly 95% of businesses are now using the cloud. In conjunction with this rapid adoption, users of cloud services are experiencing a 300% increase in cyber-attacks targeting their cloud environments.

Adopting the right cloud security posture is critical to safe adoption.

Extending infrastructure to the cloud means corporate data is now being driven beyond our traditional IT security protections. What’s more, the need to access data from anywhere means that cloud-based assets are increasingly connected to the Internet, often times without even the most basic security controls protecting them.

Cloud-based applications provide several access in-roads into customer networks, in which cybercriminals only need to find a way to get in. The rush to the cloud should not outweigh the due diligence required to keep your environment secure.

In addition, human error contributes to 24% of data breaches according to the 2019 cost of data breach report and Gartner predicts that, through 2020, 95% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault. Mis-configuration of cloud environments is a large contributor to security issues found in cloud environments.

How it works

LRQA Nettitude are able to provide a free health check of your cloud environments, these can be multi cloud and hybrid. Through these health checks, we will conduct a SWAT style analysis, enabling you to gain a thorough understanding of the risks, vulnerabilities, compliance issues (GDPR, PCI, ISO27001 and many others), and mis-configurations you may face.

Working with a carefully selected handful of security vendors, LRQA Nettitude can offer advice on the most suitable cloud security solution for your environment; from SaaS, Iaas, Paas and more. Nettittude provide a complete solution, from initial set-up and configuration, through to ongoing support and optimisation. Your business is never static, so neither should your network.

Why LRQA Nettitude

LRQA Nettitude’s team of expert Consultants and Network Engineers are continually involved in a number of high-profile projects involving network design and configuration, in which our teams have worked with a variety of clients, from SME’s, through to UK and US industry leaders.

In addition, the LRQA Nettitude team uphold to the highest qualification standards, in which we strive to share our knowledge and continuously pursue professional accreditations.

Please contact our SNS team to request a free initial scoping call.

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