LRQA Nettitude’s cybersecurity consulting services advise our clients how to address information security, risk and compliance needs to identify vulnerabilities and assess technology and business risk to meet compliance mandates such as HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, ISO 27002 and more.
Our approach helps organisations efficiently achieve these mandates, minimising their risks of a cybersecurity breach.
Our information security consultants help organisations make informed decisions on how to allocate resources to manage information security risks and compliance. Doing this against client business requirements and objectives ensures a customised and workable solution.
Benefits Of Our Governance And Oversight Services Include:
- Provides the board with greater visibility on cyber risk.
- Provides framework and guidance for ongoing improvement.
- Reducing the number of risks a business faces.
- Reducing the costs arising from these risks.
Cybersecurity Services
Cybersecurity threats are inevitable and unpredictable. Enterprises must have a cybersecurity strategy to deal with risks to prevent future breaches and mitigate their impact. LRQA Nettitude assists organisations in developing a customised cyber strategy that aligns people, processes, and technology with enterprise business priorities and risks.
Designing a cybersecurity strategy is a complex task for most organisations as it must address a dynamic environment. LRQA Nettitude consultants work to create a cybersecurity strategy to create operational efficiencies, maximum return on technology investments, and more excellent data protection.
LRQA Nettitude can develop a cybersecurity strategy that:
Identifies and protects key items that matter most.
Develops a roadmap, bringing a greater level of security maturity.
Recommends best practices to help organisations better execute their security program.
Data Privacy
Organisations that collect, process, analyse or share personal data certainly face significant data privacy challenges. If not dealt with correctly, it places the organisations and the data at risk.
Personal data collection and use, with increased regulation and new security threats, created a unique challenge for any organisation. If they do not have a plan to deal with the significant global data privacy laws and regulations such as GDPR, they could be exposing themselves to considerable business risk.
When it comes to data privacy, LRQA Nettitude can help organisations by:
Creating programs to protect brand image, reputation and client trust
Creating guidance documentation, including privacy policies and privacy operating procedures
Assisting with the compliance of local, national and global privacy regulations and requirements
Validating, diagramming the processing and transferring the data via detailed data flow diagrams
GDPR Guidance
The right approach to information security is critical to achieving GDPR compliance.
For many organisations, this requires a major revision of their security strategy and tactics.
What makes GDPR unique and a challenge is that it requires organisations to implement it via a risk-based framework. Since it covers personal data, GDPR focuses on ensuring the correct governance structure, policies and operational practices in place. In addition to monitoring, detection and incident response.
LRQA Nettitude helps organisations with the information security measures necessary for GDPR compliance via:
Gap assessment against the GDPR standards for information security and incident response practices, to produce a roadmap to compliance.
Monitoring services to support the information security and incident response aspects of GDPR.
Security Policies & Procedures
An organisation’s information security policies and procedures create the roadmap for implementing security measures to protect its data assets.
Every organisation needs to be aware of the sensitivity of its data and their responsibilities for protecting it. Effective information security policies and procedures set the security tone for the entire organisation and make personnel aware of what is expected of them.
LRQA Nettitude consultants develop information security policies and procedures ISO 27001, an internationally accepted standard. Policies developed in such a manner support the frameworks required for all information security purposes.
The LRQA Nettitude process for security policy and procedures development services includes:
Understanding business objectives and all compliance obligations
Defined areas of alignment of security requirements with business processes
Development of the organisation’s policies and procedures
Define periodic policy tuning and use case evaluation
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