Supplier & Third-Party Risk Management
Provides complete cyber assurance throughout your supply chain
How do you mitigate supplier and third-party risks?
With the global nature and complexity of supply chains, ensuring that every link is safe from cyber threats has become more difficult for organisations.
Reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats involving your suppliers
You cannot just trust your suppliers to protect themselves; you need proof that measures whether best practices are being always employed.
Package Approach
This package has three core phases guided by CISO expertise utilising effective technologies to help mitigate risks:
• Using efficient third-party risk management technology guided by CISO expertise will enable online third-party and supplier information capture. Online results and analysis provide governance and control on the assessment of your supplier and third parties.
Due Diligence
• Custom configurable metrics mapped to the organisational needs on tolerance and acceptance levels. Ensure an efficient approach to due diligence activities enabling a real-time view of supply chain risk. CISO guidance on improvement activities and risk elevation.
Continuous Monitoring
• Continuous and real-time monitoring, automated reporting, and the ability to visualise your supply chain through a ‘single pane of glass’.
Choose our Supply Chain Security package
This package offers complete assurance, governance, and risk management of your supply chains. It uses a combination of efficient tooling, reporting, and guided cyber expertise giving you a proactive stance to protect against prevalent threats.
The package is split into two offerings, Baseline and Advanced, select your package below.
Baseline Package
• CISO Service
• Cyber Maturity Assessment
Quickly understand your organisation’s security posture to take risk-based decisions on improvement planning and budget and resource allocation.
Conducted through workshops, this service asks insightful and valuable questions that will enable a clear view of your cybersecurity needs and identifies any gaps and areas for improvement. Benchmarked against industry standards this assessment provides an external review and assurance of your organisation’s cyber maturity.
• Advisory Credits
• Threat Intelligence Services
LRQA Nettitude’s ThreatWatcher service provides a managed assessment using advanced reconnaissance and analytics to identify previously unknown threats that could be used against your organisation in a cyberattack.
Security intelligence from ThreatWatcher can highlight weaknesses in your user education and help to identify your digital attack surface like never before. Once understood the recommendations from the assessment can supercharge risk reduction across your organisation and help drive your organisation to an intelligence-led security strategy.
• Third-Party Risk Management Platform
Helps you to streamline risk mitigation and cyber compliance efficiently with a security Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) platform that combines automated assessments with template-based supplier security questionnaires for all your partners and suppliers with a single, online tool.
Advanced Package
• CISO Service
A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a LRQA Nettitude security expert who can provide strategic and tactical guidance to your organisation and helps develop and execute a security program to ensure your organisation’s information and technologies are protected from all cyber threats. LRQA Nettitude’s vCISO drives your organisation’s vision, strategy, and implementation to ensure you meet your organisation’s information security objectives.
• Cyber Maturity Assessment
Quickly understand your organisation’s security posture to take risk-based decisions on improvement planning and budget and resource allocation.
Conducted through workshops, this service asks insightful and valuable questions that will enable a clear view of your cybersecurity needs and identifies any gaps and areas for improvement. Benchmarked against industry standards this assessment provides an external review and assurance of your organisation’s cyber maturity.
• Advisory Credits
• Advanced Threat Intelligence Services
LRQA Nettitude’s ThreatWatcher service provides a managed assessment using advanced reconnaissance and analytics to identify previously unknown threats that could be used against your organisation in a cyberattack.
Security intelligence from ThreatWatcher can highlight weaknesses in your user education and help to identify your digital attack surface like never before. Once understood the recommendations from the assessment can supercharge risk reduction across your organisation and help drive your organisation to an intelligence-led security strategy.
• Third-Party Risk Management Platform
Helps you to streamline risk mitigation and cyber compliance efficiently with a security Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) platform that combines automated assessments with template-based supplier security questionnaires for all your partners and suppliers with a single, online tool.
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Explore More Cyber Packages…
Ransomware & Malware
How safe is your organisation from a ransomware threat? Ensure you are always prepared for a ransomware or malware attack with this package.
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Cyber Breach Readiness
Is your organisation prepared for a cyber breach? This package prepares your organisation and ensures you can respond to a breach.
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Employee Security & Training
Concerned about how to protect against threats that target employees? This package will secure and train employees while monitoring the threats they face.
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New Technology Cyber Risks
Concerned that moving to new technology will increase cyber risks? Choose this package for assurance that new technology is secured and protected by experts.
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Technical Legacy Debt
Do you know legacy software systems can expose you to cyber threats? Ensure your systems are safe with this package to manage and secure legacy systems.
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Develop a Cybersecurity Programme
Can you prevent, withstand, and recover from cyber incidents? This package builds a cyber strategy equipping you against evolving threats.
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Supplier & Third-Party Risk Management
Provides complete cyber assurance throughout your supply chain
How do you mitigate supplier and third-party risks?
With the global nature and complexity of supply chains, ensuring that every link is safe from cyber threats has become more difficult for organisations.
Reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats involving your suppliers
You cannot just trust your suppliers to protect themselves; you need proof that measures whether best practices are being always employed.
Package Approach
This package has three core phases guided by CISO expertise utilising effective technologies to help mitigate risks:
Using efficient third-party risk management technology guided by CISO expertise will enable online third-party and supplier information capture. Online results and analysis provide governance and control on the assessment of your supplier and third parties.
Due Diligence
Custom configurable metrics mapped to the organisational needs on tolerance and acceptance levels. Ensure an efficient approach to due diligence activities enabling a real-time view of supply chain risk. CISO guidance on improvement activities and risk elevation.
Continuous Monitoring
Continuous and real-time monitoring, automated reporting, and the ability to visualise your supply chain through a ‘single pane of glass’.
Choose our Supplier & Third-Party Risk Management package
This package offers complete assurance, governance, and risk management of your supply chains. It uses a combination of efficient tooling, reporting, and guided cyber expertise giving you a proactive stance to protect against prevalent threats.
The package is split into two offerings, Baseline and Advanced, select your package below.
Baseline Package
• CISO Service
A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a LRQA Nettitude security expert who can provide strategic and tactical guidance to your organisation and helps develop and execute a security program to ensure your organisation’s information and technologies are protected from all cyber threats. LRQA Nettitude’s vCISO drives your organisation’s vision, strategy, and implementation to ensure you meet your organisation’s information security objectives.
• Cyber Maturity Assessment
Quickly understand your organisation’s security posture to take risk-based decisions on improvement planning and budget and resource allocation.
Conducted through workshops, this service asks insightful and valuable questions that will enable a clear view of your cybersecurity needs and identifies any gaps and areas for improvement. Benchmarked against industry standards this assessment provides an external review and assurance of your organisation’s cyber maturity.
• Advisory Credits
• Threat Intelligence Services
LRQA Nettitude’s ThreatWatcher service provides a managed assessment using advanced reconnaissance and analytics to identify previously unknown threats that could be used against your organisation in a cyberattack.
Security intelligence from ThreatWatcher can highlight weaknesses in your user education and help to identify your digital attack surface like never before. Once understood the recommendations from the assessment can supercharge risk reduction across your organisation and help drive your organisation to an intelligence-led security strategy.
• Third-Party Risk Management Platform
Helps you to streamline risk mitigation and cyber compliance efficiently with a security Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) platform that combines automated assessments with template-based supplier security questionnaires for all your partners and suppliers with a single, online tool.
Advanced Package
• CISO Service
A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a LRQA Nettitude security expert who can provide strategic and tactical guidance to your organisation and helps develop and execute a security program to ensure your organisation’s information and technologies are protected from all cyber threats. LRQA Nettitude’s vCISO drives your organisation’s vision, strategy, and implementation to ensure you meet your organisation’s information security objectives.
• Cyber Maturity Assessment
Quickly understand your organisation’s security posture to take risk-based decisions on improvement planning and budget and resource allocation.
Conducted through workshops, this service asks insightful and valuable questions that will enable a clear view of your cybersecurity needs and identifies any gaps and areas for improvement. Benchmarked against industry standards this assessment provides an external review and assurance of your organisation’s cyber maturity.
• Advisory Credits
• Advanced Threat Intelligence Services
LRQA Nettitude’s ThreatWatcher service provides a managed assessment using advanced reconnaissance and analytics to identify previously unknown threats that could be used against your organisation in a cyberattack.
Security intelligence from ThreatWatcher can highlight weaknesses in your user education and help to identify your digital attack surface like never before. Once understood the recommendations from the assessment can supercharge risk reduction across your organisation and help drive your organisation to an intelligence-led security strategy.
• Third-Party Risk Management Platform
Helps you to streamline risk mitigation and cyber compliance efficiently with a security Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) platform that combines automated assessments with template-based supplier security questionnaires for all your partners and suppliers with a single, online tool.
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Explore More Cyber Packages…
Ransomware & Malware
How safe is your organisation from a ransomware threat? Ensure you are always prepared for a ransomware or malware attack with this package.
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Cyber Breach Readiness
Is your organisation prepared for a cyber breach? This package prepares your organisation and ensures you can respond to a breach.
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Employee Security & Training
Concerned about how to protect against threats that target employees? This package will secure and train employees while monitoring the threats they face.
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Penetration Testing Remediation
Penetration Tests have identified your weaknesses, but do you know how to remediate vulnerabilities? Select this package to ensure remediation is fully executed.
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New Technology Cyber Risks
Concerned that moving to new technology will increase cyber risks? Choose this package for assurance that new technology is secured and protected by experts.
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Technical Legacy Debt
Do you know legacy software systems can expose you to cyber threats? Ensure your systems are safe with this package to manage and secure legacy systems.
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Develop a Cybersecurity Programme
Can you prevent, withstand, and recover from cyber incidents? This package builds a cyber strategy equipping you against evolving threats.
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