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Here at LRQA Nettitude, we know choosing a Security and Network Technology vendor is just another piece of the jigsaw when it comes to your cybersecurity strategy. Alongside our consultancy, Information Security, Advisory Services and Security Operations Centre, we are constantly reviewing the vendor market to ensure we bring the latest, best of breed, technology options to our customers.

How Do LRQA Nettitude Work With Expert Security Partners?

Through listening to our customers’ requirements and experiences, keeping on top of the ever-changing threat landscape, and our own in-house through leadership and expertise, LRQA Nettitude carefully select security & network vendor partners to work with.

We have our strategic partners, who we have developed manged and professional service engagements with. These partners have normally been identified by our in-house experts, to enable LRQA Nettitude to address evolving threats as they emerge. With the guidance of our Consultancy Services experts and the technical wizzes in our Security and Network operations centres, we review our strategic partner strategy, ensuring our customers stay ahead of the threat actors on an annual basis.

We have strong relationships with other vendor partners, in which we recognise the place these vendors hold in the security market and the benefit they bring to our customer cybersecurity strategy. LRQA Nettitude never opt for a one size fits all option, and as a result we work with multiple vendors so that we can tailor the solution to meets a customer’s specific requirements.

LRQA Nettitude’s Strategic Partners

Strong Relationships

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