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LRQA Nettitude provides a comprehensive Continuous Vulnerability Scanning service, using leading-edge technology deployed by security professionals to scan your assets and report known vulnerabilities removing the burden from your security team.

Using our team of CREST certified security professionals, who understand the current threat landscape, offensive techniques of attackers and how to achieve a strong security posture, LRQA Nettitude’s MVS service will give you confidence and power to stay on top of emerging vulnerabilities and changing vulnerability landscape.

LRQA Nettitude’s MVS service leverages Tenable.io Vulnerability Management technology to perform highly accurate internal, external and web application vulnerability scans and policy configuration audits.


  • Assess ubiquitously across internal, external, web application, MDM, mobile and container assets
  • Conduct unlimited Asset Discovery
  • Assess the effectiveness of remediation and mitigation efforts
  • Unlimited frequency and complete control to create and manage own scans (optional)


  • Compare your assets to industry standards including, CIS Benchmark, NIST, TNS, DISA/STIG, and PCI
  • Instantly assess your environment for ShadowBroker exploits and more using custom scan policies
  • Quickly deploy scans to check your environment for new strains for ransomware such as WannaCry and other well-known venerabilities HeartBleed, ShellShock, DROWN, Badlock
  • Details of the motivations and goals for the relevant threats


  • Access to a team of highly skilled and CREST Certified security professionals
  • Powerful dashboards
  • Complete Managed Service
  • Real-world prioritisation
  • Monthly or Quarterly Custom Management Report
  • Complies with PCI DSS 11.2.1 (Internal Scanning) and 11.2.3 (After Significant Changes) (excluding ASV scanning)
  • LRQA Nettitude SOC Integration (Optional)
  • Flexible Licensing
  • Simple Setup – be onboarded and scanning in a matter of days

Why do you need vulnerability scanning?

1. To identify publicly known weaknesses within YOUR organisation in near-time – Once a vulnerability has been made public (and sometimes these can be published at a moment’s notice to the whole world), the attackers will know about them and seek to use or develop exploits. Identifying any of these vulnerabilities within your company and closing those opportunities is key.

2. To identify & prioritise fixes and patches – Scans will allow you to consolidate the needs, priorities and methods by which you approach your patching and configuration changes. Knowing what assets are affected, how many and which ones will enable you to prioritise remediation actions.

3. To aid effective and timely remediation – If you need to liaise with any 3rd party support teams, multiple internal teams or other entities to address the issues, a managed service will allow you to maintain a view and control over your vulnerability management process.

4. To understand your remediation actions – A vulnerability scan will not only identify the issues but also give you advice and guidance, along with industry and vendor support links to address the issues found.

5. To help identify rogue assets – Any new systems that appear, or any profiles on historic IP’s that change, can be detected for further investigations.

How does it relate to LRQA Nettitude’s other security testing assurance offerings?

Vulnerability scanning should be a foundational part of a layered cybersecurity testing assurance program. LRQA Nettitude’s Technical Assurance testing services cover all aspects of vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, red team testing and intelligence-led testing. Each offering a different level of assurance.

Why choose LRQA Nettitude?

1. 360 Degree Services – LRQA Nettitude provide in-depth managed services around SOC and NOC capabilities. We go far beyond the needs of basic vulnerability scanning services. The wealth of the company’s capabilities and experience means that we can deliver robust remediation guidance and advice.

2. Industry Accreditations #1 – LRQA Nettitude are uniquely recognised by CREST and the Bank of England as both a CBEST/STAR Threat Intelligence provider AND a CBEST Penetration Testing Company. We are only 1 of 2 companies to do this globally, and the other is PwC. We are focused, dedicated, cybersecurity experts and have been recognised as such.

3. Industry Accreditations #2 – LRQA Nettitude has been recognised as an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) for the last 9 years by the PCI SSC. We do not rely on 3rd party vendor certifications or processes but ensure our teams can deliver these services directly.

4. Industry Reputation – LRQA Nettitude has been recognised within the industry as a leading cybersecurity provider (Logrhythm MSSP of the year 2015, Cybersecurity Services Provider of the year 2016, etc.). LRQA Nettitude actively contributes to many industry and government forums and working groups where the future standards and direction are formed.

5. Deep grasp of offensive and defensive security actions – LRQA Nettitude have some of the industry’s best offensive security experts who know how attackers behave and the types of actions they take. Our SOC team provides the ability to detect and respond to these – in other words, we understand the holistic approach.

6. Zero-Day Vulnerability Research – LRQA Nettitude has a dedicated vulnerability research team that find 40-50 zero day vulnerabilities per annum. This demonstrates that we not only understand vulnerability management but are capable of discovery, reverse engineering and in-depth analysis as required.

7. SOC Integration – Web Portals, remediation reports, daily reviews and different levels of integration into our managed SOC (or yours) can be provided to meet your needs. The power of SOC integration provides the means to a more holistic approach, information flow and agility to respond effectively to new issues.

8. GRC Tool Integration – Options to integrate scan results into Acuity’s STREAM allows your vulnerability managing process to be integrated into your compliance programs/status. LRQA Nettitude has worked extensively with Acuity around PCI DSS, ISO27001 and cyber assurance programs.

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